How do Swedish parents get paid parental leave for children?

Swedish parents can afford to take 480 paid parental leave days for their


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3 Answer(s)

Swedish people that have children can have 480 days off work starting from when their child is born. By that I mean they can claim right on time, but it is expensive. Why is it not specified whether it applies to both parents or just one, but I would presume only one parent.

Answered on February 27, 2021.
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Can I do paternity leave? When a couple has a child, both parents are allowed to take paid time off from their jobs to care for the baby. How many days can a couple take? Parents, have time to bond with and care for their children before returning to work instead of taking their children to school.

Answered on February 27, 2021.
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Sweden encourages parents to take time off from daily life. I googled all sentences and a few times and my search result indicates this is a pooled amount of days. Both parents can have an equal 240 days off (adding up to 480) or it could be unequal (one parent taking 60 & another 420). When paying the nanny to take the child away for 5 days, each parent must pay the nanny in return.

Answered on February 27, 2021.
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