How long will you store your data? Is this sentence correct?

I am making this two sentences on my website. I plan to contribute for the legal text of my website. How do I understand the context of a sentence and use the data the visitors of a website send to me?

How long we will store the information you provide?

Can I access my private communications? If yes then when will that information be disclosed to?

What is the best way to write a essay?

Why don’t businesses even try to replicate their logo?

Asked on February 27, 2021 in Other.
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1 Answer(s)

Does the sentence 1 look good? 2. Perfect sentence structure sometimes does not work so I’d use the same.

For the second one, maybe you can ask ” whom our data will be disclosed to? If I want to learn another language, I think it’s “I think it’s who because you ask was not the subject(doer). I mean, “I think it was whom” I think it’s who also. I think that’d be more formal but nowadays, even the natives are leaving using “whom” so it is your call.

Answered on February 27, 2021.
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