What is another verb for “to make an onomatopoeia”?
If a basic onomatopoeia for a sound does not exist, how would you phrase the creation of an onomatopoeia for a sound?
I can’t find the
phrase onomatopoeize in any dictionary.
Onomatopoeia is a phrase I see
in online videos but as of today there are only 61 hits for the word. Onomatopoeize!, makes sense an obvious verb even though it isn’t a’real’ word. (Kang Sung), also it makes sense to have a
verb for this.
How does the macron over the Blk reduce the sound after your drink?
Is there a proper, non-colloquial English word for this concept?
What have been your experiences with indebtedness?
Some people have already coined ” onomatopoeify ” and onomatopoeiafy “. I like the former article although neither of them has
any significant usage of the latter one.
Some people have already coined ” onomatopoeify ” and onomatopoeiafy “. I like the former article although neither of them has
any significant usage of the latter one.
If you need it, you can only use onomatopoeize in English. Where does -ize sound in English? People neologize words for their needs and are not always in dictionaries. I have already found a phrase to make an onomatopoeia. Restart it?
Some people have already coined ” onomatopoeify ” and onomatopoeiafy “. I like the former article although neither of them has
any significant usage of the latter one.
Some people have already coined ” onomatopoeify ” and onomatopoeiafy “. I like the former article although neither of them has
any significant usage of the latter one.
If you need it, you can only use onomatopoeize in English. Where does -ize sound in English? People neologize words for their needs and are not always in dictionaries. I have already found a phrase to make an onomatopoeia. Restart it?
If you need it, you can only use onomatopoeize in English. Where does -ize sound in English? People neologize words for their needs and are not always in dictionaries. I have already found a phrase to make an onomatopoeia. Restart it?
Some people have already coined ” onomatopoeify ” and onomatopoeiafy “. I like the former article although neither of them has
any significant usage of the latter one.
Some people have already coined ” onomatopoeify ” and onomatopoeiafy “. I like the former article although neither of them has
any significant usage of the latter one.
Some people have already coined ” onomatopoeify ” and onomatopoeiafy “. I like the former article although neither of them has
any significant usage of the latter one.