Does “get someone up” mean an act or object?

Is using get up correct?

  • How do I tell you I woke up?
  • Is my tress sorry I got you up?

I use wake up for get up all the time, but in my expression it sounds a bit odd.

Asked on March 28, 2021 in Word choice.
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9 Answer(s)

Both are correct in individual contexts. But get up is NOT the same as wake up.

Wake up means to wake from sleep, get up mean to get out of bed. Is it possible to wake people up without them being up? If you said someone could just lie awake in the bed, what would you do?

I’m sorry I got you up, while meaning “I’m sorry I forced you out of bed,” could imply that the late riser was woken up as well.

Answered on December 22, 2021.
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To awake somebody is simply saying “to intentionally or not disturb somebody sleeping by making some noise, turning on the light in the room, etc.” I suspect that to wake somebody up is simply saying “to intentionally or not disturb somebody sleeping by making some noise or turning on the light in the room, etc. “Is it normal to get awake mentally?

If you are actually going to make somebody out of bed, you feel like you have to get up to have fun for a while. What kind of things is your mother pushing you

to hurry up with school the morning?

Answered on December 22, 2021.
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To awake somebody is simply saying “to intentionally or not disturb somebody sleeping by making some noise, turning on the light in the room, etc.” I suspect that to wake somebody up is simply saying “to intentionally or not disturb somebody sleeping by making some noise or turning on the light in the room, etc. “Is it normal to get awake mentally?

If you are actually going to make somebody out of bed, you feel like you have to get up to have fun for a while. What kind of things is your mother pushing you

to hurry up with school the morning?

Answered on December 22, 2021.
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To awake somebody is simply saying “to intentionally or not disturb somebody sleeping by making some noise, turning on the light in the room, etc.” I suspect that to wake somebody up is simply saying “to intentionally or not disturb somebody sleeping by making some noise or turning on the light in the room, etc. “Is it normal to get awake mentally?

If you are actually going to make somebody out of bed, you feel like you have to get up to have fun for a while. What kind of things is your mother pushing you

to hurry up with school the morning?

Answered on December 22, 2021.
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How do regaining consciousness after a night of rest wake you up? You wake up after leaving the bed.

Answered on December 22, 2021.
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How do regaining consciousness after a night of rest wake you up? You wake up after leaving the bed.

Answered on December 22, 2021.
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How do regaining consciousness after a night of rest wake you up? You wake up after leaving the bed.

Answered on December 22, 2021.
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How do regaining consciousness after a night of rest wake you up? You wake up after leaving the bed.

Answered on December 22, 2021.
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How do regaining consciousness after a night of rest wake you up? You wake up after leaving the bed.

Answered on December 22, 2021.
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