What happens to you when you move a lot under a low barrier?

Do you duck under it, or crouch under it, or is there a better term? In some cases, a lower position is held only for a very brief moment. So it can’t go under it and remain crouched. What is using the barrier; the focus is on the quick crossing from one side to the other.

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Interesting… Duck is very common but it can mean staying in position – depending on the context “how

am I going to get to the door? “Duck under the barrier” -but also- “They’re dropping bombs on us!” the Guardian. “Duck under the wall” Limbo

would be understood by most, but it also requires the sarcastic (and very precise) to bend forward instead of facing!

In economic terms, the best way to solve this, I believe, would be to use the term “scooch”. If you say “Scooch under,” you are telling someone about the world. If you say “Sooch by, you are telling them to pass.”

I don’t know why, but “duckby” is not as common. (US)

(US) (inform, research, media) (smoking)

Answered on March 28, 2021.
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