On nouns as modifiers. On nouns as modifiers.
I have a notion that nouns behave as modifiers with singular form. I know that Nouns don’t necessarily have singular forms. But they do! However, sometimes I have problems on if certain exceptions are possible. Im trapped in a
cycle of negative and unpleasant thoughts, in the example below, in the following paragraph: “Response not by yourself. “,Then I feel incomparable”, Then I feel trapped in a cycle of negative thoughts. What
do you think of the phrase “I feel trapped in a negative and unpleasant thought s cycle”? I want to emphasis the fact that more than one thought keeps (should I say “keep”) from changing. “) revolving in my head. This is just a stupid question.
Whether you say circle of negative and unpleasant thoughts using a Norman/Analytic Genitive or positive and unpleasant thoughts’cycle using Saxon/Synthetic Genitive is absolutely the same as long as you have the apostrophe which indicates gerund and PLENTUM form o the noun. What does it depend on what I want to emphasize: cycle
or thoughts.