I had tomatoes thrown at me yesterday night and sounded like a “you better leave it at home”?

I have found this phrase “Please leave the tomatoes at home” in an email I posted. On searching online I found it used in several places which are related to inviting people to an event.

What does this phrase actually mean? I am guessing it’s meaning to be like “come without everything which can be a distraction for the event happening” (unstuck)?

Asked on March 27, 2021 in Meaning.
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3 Answer(s)

Jim’s comment is correct. bringing tomatoes with you means you expect the event organizer to “suck” and intend to punish the event you are attending by throwing tomatoes on them.

Answered on March 27, 2021.
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Are there movies that they can read without a title? Would

that serve the same purpose as tomatoes you would have thrown?

Was live performances still allowed in the US during the Vaudeville era? Why do comediennes still refer to throwing rotten vegetables as a joke? So it is an interesting result that comic TV shows and movies seem to most reliably represent this practice. A list of some classics from the Marx Brothers to Robin Williams is available on TV Tropes’

website: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki. php/Main/ProductionPelting/ReviewProcessSettings

and MySQL Database for production of PowerPelting-ProcessSettings on php/codes.php/RealizationPeltings and/or php/RealizePeltings on php/Works, GetPeltings and/or php/RealizePeltings or php.php?

Answered on March 27, 2021.
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Are there movies that they can read without a title? Would

that serve the same purpose as tomatoes you would have thrown?

Was live performances still allowed in the US during the Vaudeville era? Why do comediennes still refer to throwing rotten vegetables as a joke? So it is an interesting result that comic TV shows and movies seem to most reliably represent this practice. A list of some classics from the Marx Brothers to Robin Williams is available on TV Tropes’

website: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki. php/Main/ProductionPelting/ReviewProcessSettings

and MySQL Database for production of PowerPelting-ProcessSettings on php/codes.php/RealizationPeltings and/or php/RealizePeltings on php/Works, GetPeltings and/or php/RealizePeltings or php.php?

Answered on March 27, 2021.
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