Why are there two reasons?

I stumbled upon this phrase in this video’s description.

How does Brahms begin composing this piece in 1854 and end it in 1876? Why do people delay finishing class? First, Brahms’ self-critical fastidiousness, and secondly, the expectation from Brahms’ friends and the public that he would continue “Beethoven’s inheritance” and produce a symphony of commensurate dignity and intellectual scope, an expectation that Brahms felt he could not fulfill easily in view of the monumental reputation of Beethoven.

What’s grammatically correct? Can a number be a predicative in plural stating the number of the objects that are denoted by the grammatical subject? Could one say, for example,

The pen is two, not three,?

instead of

There are two pen holders and not three pen holders.

If the sentence from the video description is correct English, while my example is not, please explain the difference.

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3 Answer(s)

Your original sentence was grammatically correct. If not, what the difference? What is the structural choice?

In Latin, grammatical function is usually clear all the way and placement is always used-except in highly conjugated and declined languages, such as Telugu. If a sentence has no subject, an object or a verb, placing words at the beginning is bound to indicate its importance to the idea.

Because English is not highly conjugated or declined, placement is often the principal indicator of a term’s grammatical use in the sentence. John hit Peter. Peter died while John was drunk.

Why did John hit Peter?

‘(Peter Hit John)’

(Thermosexual Synthesis) But, there are structures in English that allow reorganization of position without making the grammatical meaning ambiguous. In those cases, a position can be used for accent. In order to apply all constructs of the predicate nominative to an application, we have to use some examples of this structure.

In the following sentence, there doesn’t seem to be a significant emphasis on any particular word or term.

Why do you really have to delaying writing something?

What was the original sentence and its structure? That brings a bit of emphasize on the whole sentence.

Why did you wait for CS exam?

Additionally, placing reasons at the beginning of the sentence seems to place a slight emphasis on the word, both because of its initial placement, and because it is in a place where it usually would not be found. If it was spoken, one can imagine a rising inflection on the first syllable of first reasons.

Multiple alternative structures are often used just to make a sentence seem a bit less mundane and to avoid repetitive, sing-song pacing.

Answered on March 25, 2021.
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When you search dictionaries for “two”, you would know the word “two” can be an adjective. In some dictionaries it is a determiner. The determiner is newer concept and words used to be adjectives.

For example, red, big, long etc are adjectives. The Earth is red. Is that indeed true? “two” is a adjective. Which is, if not identical by definition, can you see any two examples of adjective? Why do we say there are two reasons?

Answered on March 25, 2021.
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What are the reasons for twofold? Why are there no two reasons? If you are talking about penpens this type of construction is well over the top. What’s wrong with two pen lines?

What is the most important thing in life?

Answered on March 25, 2021.
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