A word for “untranslatable” words from other languages
What really is a word that doesn’t
- exist in our language? How many
languages can many languages write and often their words are untranslatable? Why is there a word in English that should describe this phenomenon?
What is a word used to collectively describe these assertions?
In a sense, these claims include
- “Sehnsucht
- Heimat
- Gwybodaeth”.
It is consistent with their content: the words of which are often used as cultural lodestones.
I have studied a few foreign languages; and, every now and then, a teacher would say, “There’s no easy way to say this in English. I are my best teacher!” According to one passage, the meaning was clear until the word was used in context.
I call such words and phrases linguistic enigmas. What not? Why or why not? On my more facetious days I know they are
called newspeak.