Will you and will you be, soon?

Maybe sip a glass of water but then please _______________!

A. Will you

B. Won’t you,

cf. The answer sheet says the answer may be “B’ because only the question is an offer to someone so don’t make one.” Is “A” or “W” just an erroneous interpretation? What about the idea ” will “? In my version of the writing, something about words or words is also possible. How can I get the meaning of these three? Is B (the ogre) more polite than B? I feel annoyed at my system. And it seems stupid to me somehow.

Why do

you have to send a test?

Asked on March 16, 2021 in Grammar.
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1 Answer(s)

Both words of the two are grammatically correct but they have different meanings.

When using a question tag, we use the negative form of what “I want/mean “. According to this eslbase. Com Page :

If the auxiliary verb in the sentence is affirmative, the tag is negative.

Are you Spanish?

If the auxiliary verb in a sentence is negative, the tag is affirmative.

You’re not Spanish. Are you?

So the phrase “Help yourself to a drink, won’t you?” implies the opposite: You should help yourself to a drink. It is therefore a polite offer.

If you shouldn’t help yourself to a drink why? Is it like someone randomly walking into a private party, and taking drinks in a pool.? Will the person who said it to you afterwards have a reaction to your aggressive behaviour. Is this a crime?

I want to make this confused. I’ve thought up another meaning of “Help yourself to drink…”. “If someone hasn’t done a task before, how is it perceived? What did you mean by just “just”?

What is the most important grammatically correct usage? Is it a polite offer? In speech you could tell this apart from the “aggressive/you shouldn’t have done that…” meaning above by the stress, emphasis and speech pattern/timing. Can’t work out how to make that clear in writing, as the “will” will be stressed in both versions. In writing the context should make it clear which are the


Answered on March 16, 2021.
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