Cannot… u00bb Cannot” vs. u00ab Can….? “must not” “what can people say?
My favorite video game of all time says: “A person X
must not die.”
Would a skeleton’s shape be faster and easier to build?
Can someone die?
What happens when you get thrown out by an enemy?
Why a big difference, if I am honest?
Are humans immortal? Can they somehow survive without dying?
Must not die means that they are mortal, thus very capable of death and the mission requires you to keep them alive.
In this setting the two are pretty much the same. Language can have a literal meaning, a canonical meaning (the first thing you think of), a metaphorical meaning (the face of a cliff) and implied meanings. Obviously, language have many meanings; texting means every word (both literal and non literal) and words (translation) can differ by definition or for a reason.
Literally, “we cannot pick up that huge boulder”. What does “must not” mean? Both are not intended to convey that you really don’t want to let person X die and you should try to make that not happen. What is the best way
to compare two apps?
In this setting the two are pretty much the same. Language can have a literal meaning, a canonical meaning (the first thing you think of), a metaphorical meaning (the face of a cliff) and implied meanings. Obviously, language have many meanings; texting means every word (both literal and non literal) and words (translation) can differ by definition or for a reason.
Literally, “we cannot pick up that huge boulder”. What does “must not” mean? Both are not intended to convey that you really don’t want to let person X die and you should try to make that not happen. What is the best way
to compare two apps?
In this setting the two are pretty much the same. Language can have a literal meaning, a canonical meaning (the first thing you think of), a metaphorical meaning (the face of a cliff) and implied meanings. Obviously, language have many meanings; texting means every word (both literal and non literal) and words (translation) can differ by definition or for a reason.
Literally, “we cannot pick up that huge boulder”. What does “must not” mean? Both are not intended to convey that you really don’t want to let person X die and you should try to make that not happen. What is the best way
to compare two apps?