What does this mean: “understanding you is like smelling the colour 9”?
What does it mean when the quote
reads ‘understanding you is like smelling the colours
of 9′?
Why is the colour 9 “smell-“?
How is the meaning of this saying invented?
What are some good descriptive statements of
data to add.
Chris Rice (instrumentalist) wrote a song on his debut album “Smell the Color 9”. Is there any real meaning to this song? I can google the lyrics a bit more. I’ve heard many of them. What is the origin of the phrase “Smell the Color 9”?
Since the number 9 has no intrinsic colour, and colours have no intrinsic smell, the phrase “smelling the colour 9” is a category error since “the value of >9 consists of a quantity of 9”. What is the intent conveyed is that the phrase is not easy (or it is impossible) to understand. What is in synesthesia?
The simile draws the parallel to understanding someone, so the sentence means that the speaker doesn’t understand the person he or she is speaking to.
The number nine is often assită with eternity. All movies in u-tube are infinity of 9. See full episodes here. Is there evidence Chris Rice is paying attention to human behavior?