Are my friend “my friend” and/or “my friend” the same? Are my friends the real real persons? The meeting is (or was) closed today.
Which of the following is correct?
You are my best friend. Thank you.
two of you are my friends?
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Both are required for the plural verb form “are,” and each of them asks, collectively ask for the plural noun “friends”. 🙂
‘both are my friend’ About 4,730 results ‘both are my friend’
About 0,0 results
The use of “you” which we understand towards the plural decides the matter; “Your opinion is our interpretation of these words.” Can “you” mean one person, but “both” indicates there are two in this case. Both are my friends, although I would have “Both of you are my friends” rather than “You both,” only because it sounds more natural to my ears than what is required of me. I will be right when I say
both, as a friend do, a friend, as well.