What is the difference between Head and Head?

Can you explain (or see) the reason that both of these sentences are correct?

I was heading to the city. I was going to the subway terminal one day. I remember about one hour reading a newspaper. I know the guy was there.

I was headed to city.

What’s the difference between both the answers to both?

How I can explain this to clients?

Asked on March 15, 2021 in Grammar.
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1 Answer(s)

On opposite hand, both are correct although saying different things. In the sentence, “I was heading to the city”, the speaker is using past progressive form. This form could be used in multiple ways with different meaning based on context. I went through rigorous screening, and was heading to the city. I was only going to enter a government meeting. If I wanted to see a city, why are people not invited to attend the screening screening? There, the past auxiliary verb (was) implies that he or she did not complete the task of going to the city. The progressive main verb (heading) implies that the action started in the past and was ongoing or in the process of happening at some other point in the past. The past can describe something habitual even though it’s never been written. When my friend was in school at the time, my husband always visited the city/city. Here, the past progressive form means that he was often traveling toward the city-whether or not he got there is again unknown. In the United States, when no context exists, one only knows that the action of heading to a city started and was in the process of happening at the time referenced by the speaker.

In the sentence, “I was headed to the city” the speaker uses simple form Here, the verb form also implies that he or she did not complete the task of going to city; however, the simple form of the main verb doesn’t necessarily imply the action started. What is the action after the form that was made in simple form? I was heading to the city before I read the weather report.” I should write this sentence if I was afraid of the weather? I want to travel to the city? Upon conclusion, ” I am not sure how it works”, the speaker begins. If you are thinking of his intention to travel, there is a question in this sentence which indicates he started to travel and he changed his intention at the same time. I was heading to the city before I read the weather report”. Examine the same sentence with “to head”. In simple form, it is possible to interpret the action as something that never started and in progressive form, the action must be interpreted as something that started in the past and was ongoing or in the process of happening at some point in the past referred to by the speaker.

Answered on March 15, 2021.
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