“Tired” VS “being tired” in this context.

Tired from work, he went to bed early.

To get me started on my school work, I went to bed early, so I didn’t get any sleep.

What is the difference between a past participle phrase and a present participle phrase?

Why don’t everyone see the difference between 2 sentences?

Which means

the girl felt so tired and that made her go to bed early to give him extra time before she fell asleep.

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Please help me make this


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1 Answer(s)

I feel there can be slight difference between the sentences.

Is it true that the first sentence “Tired from work he went to bed early.” tells you two facts?

As for the second statement “Being tired from work, he went to bed early” that says what has to do with “ask him a question”?

Answered on March 13, 2021.
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