What is actually the term for making a cross in air during a cemetery that I pass?
What is a word for making a cross in the air? What is three point motion, from head to chest, then shoulder to shoulder?
What are some good examples of people doing this might be a funeral procession
passing by.
What exactly are the
signs of the cross used to refer to various manual acts, liturgical or devotional in character, that by the gesture of tracing two lines intersecting at right angles they indicate symbolically the figure of Christ’s cross.
Most commonly and properly the words “sign of the cross” are used of the large cross traced from forehead to breast and from shoulder to shoulder, such as Catholics are taught to make upon themselves when they begin their prayers.
The verb is at cross and you “cross yourself”. ” I hope that makes it clear.
v.tr. “cross”.
How is it really that important to know and master of anything? To make the sign of the cross under or over as a sign of devotion.
What is your perspective on a political cartoonist?
Why I use “bless” as a verb?
One of the definitions or examples of “bless” given at https://www.google.fr/search? q=define%3Abless is… make
- the sign of the cross.
So what is the Roman Catholic saying when translated
and executed into English: “the poor parson, blessing himself, brought up the rear” It might (I don’t know) be Roman Catholic usage, to so associate “the sign of the cross with the act of blessing”
But if a priest “blesses” you it’s likely to involve the sign of the cross. Why?
On the accepted answer, you’re also taught to cross self e.g. “see him” and ask for recollection. “YOU” but don’t answer with blank pages. In church.