What does “killed and went away” mean?
How can one learn deep learning or natural languages?
What good does his
professor say about holding onto his wallet in your hands when you see them? Because there’s a massive amount of detail on the original vector space that got completely killed and went away.
Is vector space an artificial
or synthetic sphere or something like that?
What does “killed and went away” mean?
What is your review of WTT WTD 2015?
In professor’s example, there are 2 following vector spaces, VS1:
original vector space which is a 100-dimensional space; V2:
a 2-dimensional space, into which original information are being projected down.
During projection, some information in original vector space (i.e. energy), and in the expansion, are stored in the projection. Is VS1 lost?
The phrase “killed and went away” here means “lost”, meaning in everyday life.
I lack knowledge about linear algebra or DFT to make
this decision. I used to learn linear algebra well. What does linear algebra mean, how can I use it?