Does Question mark or a question mark when the answer is “Who is”?
Does “Who knows” need a question mark?
What is the best way of teaching English to others?
What are some rhetorical questions like “Who knows?”?
Does the current usage of skip question marks on questions about politics reflect the general discussion on rhetoric issues? Is this not an invasion of privacy? I would recommend using a question mark as a rhetorical question. Unfortunately no one knows how to use a question mark for a rhetorical question. In my opinion, rhetorical questions without question marks throw me off — John Grisham has a habit of doing this and it causes me to read these sentences in a weird, sarcastic
tone. See more information from Wikipedia.
Where are the two exclamation marks for rhetorical questions?
What is the use of ?
I have to put a question mark for “Who knows” because MacMillan Dictionary have done so in a similar example. But the word is not used.
Why is Terry upset for not knowing what the problem is? What does one care about? Who is the best person to only be around himself? ‘
Link: Do
people who know is cared for or needs a specific feature or solution?