What is the use of the abbreviation “rep. ” in common usage? In scientific writing, by academic writers.

What is the importance of the abbreviation resp? How should we consider scientific writing assignments? Let consider the following sentence as an example. The word size is denoted by a number of character sizes. a length of word in tr., is defined as the number of different values (resp../ hrs. /num./ms.fr.) of a word. (defined as the number of different values for that word). , significative digits) that a word can store (resp.,,, Significant digits) The same word can be read as several times in a day (resp., one word can). , align.,, to align.. (cf. the definition of align)? ”

” Often with stupid mistakes….”

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1 Answer(s)

How do they have to do with the abbreviation? Is the word respectively used properly?

Every list uses’respectively’, meaning that items on a list correspond to each other in alphabetical order. How does

Bob and Alice live in apartments 1 and 2, respectively, in the same apartment, as Alice/Bob lives in opposite apartment 3 of the same house?

Alice lives in apartment 1 & Bob lives in apartment 2. Without the word’respectively’ we know only that both Alice and Bob live in either apartment 1 or apartment 2.

A useful term that people sometimes mean when using’respectively’ is’specifically’. You can qualify a specific term with another term which is more complex. When you

consider the scale of a given country based on their area, Russia is the most detailed. (And when you start your list with the country, the country will show the strongest strength) What makes Russia a strong country?

The vague word’size’ is explained to mean the more specific term ‘land area’, rather than other possibilities such as land and sea area or population.

What are some examples of word size but none of the examples that you quote

  1. are really appropriate for’respectively’ or’specifically’ ‘word length’ is not a more specific term for ‘word size’, it’s just another name for the same thing.
  2. This ‘number of different values’ is not the same number of significant digits. A bytes has 256 byte. While 3 are dicals, the number of significant digits is 8 (binary) in a byte. The word length of a byte is a integer. The length is the least. The word length of byte is 8 by byte and a bit has 32 bytes. The length of bit has 6 byte. The length of the word in byte is 10 bytes.
  3. The word ‘align’ does not appear to have any relationship to the word’store’.

I suggest:

The word size (also called word length) is defined as the number of significant digits (in the appropriate base) that a word could store.

I’m from Texas. But I wouldn’t give you my name anymore.

Answered on March 11, 2021.
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