What’s the common word for “patheticness”?


is it possible to fake cold to be hugged? in its purest form.

When I search on Google or Therraurus, I just get its noun counterpart: http://www.thesaurus.org.za/es/sbinand.php?u=7.502. com/browse/pathetic. However, I don’t remember other commonly used synonyms, so I can easily find the spellings. What are some suggestions on how to do something?

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1 Answer(s)

One word that is not that common, but is more poetic?

Pathos ( WordNet ): A quality that evokes pity or sadness. How is it described?

Is pathos a quality in life

or art that evokes pity, sadness, or compassion?

It has more common-used synonyms, like patifulness and poignancy, somewhere in the middle with a slightly different bent, penulity.

Answered on March 10, 2021.
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