What is in English “learned a thing or twelve”?
In those 10 years I can say that I may have learned a thing or twelve.
What does “know one thing” mean? Is it idiom? Why or why not?
What is your opinion on the subject of entrepreneurship?
Is the phrase ” learned one thing for twelve” an idiom?
A thing or thing is a common way of saying one or two things in Hindi (or less precisely a few things ).
The author wrote that he has changed the word to 12. The author changed that one word but still tried. In this not only increases the meaning from a few things to several things or many things, this not only increases the meaning from several things to several things or many things, but by altering a more common phrase, it draws attention to the increase by differing from what a reader familiar with the original phrase might have anticipated.
If you could re-word your original sentence as “And in those
10 years I can say that I may have learned several (or many) things in those 10 years?
How would you describe our product?
A thing or two stands for a few things. The expression “A thing or twelve” implies ignorance or cluelessness. Why is it that you talked to someone about a topic that you thought you knew pretty well? Then, they seem really ignorant of the topic.? Afterword, you might say “I talked to Bill about Thatcher’s economic policies and learned a thing or twelve. ”
“Yesterday” refers to “the first day” in the British television series.