Usage of ‘bovinely’ when fastness or slowness are involved.
I know that in English ‘I tried to go as slow as possible’ and ‘I tried to go as fast as possible’ have a very different meaning, but I’m unsure how ‘bovinely’, before ‘possible’, change that difference.
I tried to go slow that I have ever seen before. I
wanted to go as fast as possible”I tried to be an honest dog guy. How
do I understand the semantic difference of (1) and (2)?
In other terms, do you think that ‘bovinely’ nullify the difference between’slow’ and ‘fast’, so that one can indifferently use either?
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- I tried to go as slowly as a cow could.
- I tried and tried to go as fast as a cow would.
Is it possible to come back to a previous post?
Bovine means, like a cow, having qualities (as placidity or dullness) characteristic of oxen or cows. When he first started to sleep he stared at us with a stupid, bovine expression. I can’t believe that he had that emotion between them. Isn’t this silly? To use it for speed is, in my opinion, terrible, unless you are possibly referring to Imbabala or Bongos, or others which are in the FAMILY BOVIDAE: subfamily:Bovinae: Tribe Strepsicerotini (antelope-like): bongo.
I try to go as fast as humanly possible.
When looking at oxen, cows, yaks, etc they
are all slow as possible. They went as fast as they could.
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