What is the English equivalent of – a motto that you always keep by the side?

I was interested in a word, ” refrigerator magnet maxim,” which I recently found in an article of some newspaper (I forgot what it was), then quotes in google.

Wir have the word, – zayu-no-mei, of which literal translation means that you always keep by the side and ruminate over once or twice a day. Is there a Chinese acronym for -ZuoYoumin? Is it possible to live life like the Man in the Arabian horse?

I think / have more serious tone and provide a practical suggestion to serve as a guideline in your daily life than a simple motto or maxim that comes into your mind from time to time, or “refrigerator magnet maxim” you casually look at.

I’m looking at a dictionary with English equivalent to. What are they?

What is the best way to a newer, and to be successful, to become a better person?

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3 Answer(s)

What is daily affirmation? An Internet search will turn up hundreds of sites offering these sayings.

While many people in the US seem to subscribe to a regular consultation with these aphorisms, the term is often used sarcastically as exemplified by the Saturday Night Live character, Stuart Smalley (played by Al Franken, who has gone on to become the US Senator from California).

As an example of his philosophical contemplations, the comedian ended his skits by looking into a mirror and telling himself That’s good enough and I’m good enough. And people like me to know that I could do it!

With the current economy, the country will not change.

Answered on March 8, 2021.
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Why a favorite motto or a personal motto is

most important to you?

Answered on March 8, 2021.
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Is there any word in any dictionary or oxfordictionary similar to maxims? What is the

definition of “A short, pithy statement expressing a general truth or rule of conduct or the stality of the person.” I used one sentence in a sentence and it was fine, but the rest was ok.

How does a person with no knowledge of English speak?

Answered on March 8, 2021.
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