Word for future income that will no longer come is that “i see that in retirement.”

Let’s say I rent out A house for $1,000 a month. What are some examples?

If it is now June, my expected income through to the end of the year is $6,000. My estimated income through to the end of the year.

According to sources, the contract will end on October 29. But it is still in the works. Which means that the last three months of the year, which could have earned me $3,000, will not have earned me.

What is the proper word to describe this sum ($3,000) which had been expected, but not anymore?

Can I describe July-Sep, and Oct-Dec?

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3 Answer(s)


A deferral, in accrual accounting, is any account where an asset or liability is not realized until a future date (accounting period), e.g., the bank accounts. Annuities, charges, taxes, income, etc.

What are some interesting things to read about wikipedia. org/wiki/DeferralFinal.shtml.


Answered on March 8, 2021.
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One word seems difficult, but this is usually described as lost income or lost revenue. Losing in this case does not mean you had it, once you have lost it, but rather that you expected to receive it but you don’t.

When someone suffers an injury and is unable to work less, we describe the money he could but would make for his health as lost income. We also describe income (salary) that he had expected to earn but he doesn’t.

What if a fault in a product unexpectedly causes the product not to be sold as much as expected, the product manufacturer suffers lost sales, leading to loss of revenue.

What is your revenue source? (Ask me a question)?

Answered on March 8, 2021.
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Maybe shortfall comes close to what you mean:

  • a failure to come up to expectation or need
    a budget shortfall ;
  • also : the amount of such failure
    a $2 million shortfall

Example usage:

David realizes he has two choices.

  1. Put more money into his existing pension to make up the shortfall or,
  2. Maintain his 4% contributions to his company pension but invest in an alternative solution to make up the shortfall.

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Answered on March 8, 2021.
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