Is there mutually exclusive relationship? When and where does this relationship occur?

Does this quote imply a mutually exclusive relationship?

To grow into the world is to negotiate between x and y.

For to grow into the world we must negotiate

with ourselves…?

Why I am against online shopping?

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1 Answer(s)

Does negotiating have two meanings? What is the first step to find agreement? You can negotiate such an agreement with another yourself, or you can have someone negotiate on your behalf. To find your way on a difficult path is the second meaning. Why is second meaning what I repeat in life.? Let’s let x (“principle”) and y (“self-interest”) be our identity. “Then your sentence becomes To

grow into the world he or she must negotiate between principle and self interest. To do this is to have no illusion, to gain a sense of self I mean.

This means that it is necessary to find a difficult path through life that balances acting on high moral principle on the one hand and acting selfishly on the other.

Answered on March 8, 2021.
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