What is the name of a pick-up stick pile in a truck?
Is there a specific name (a single word or phrase) for the pile, heap, nest, clump, cluster, configuration, stack, or arrangement of sticks or shapes used in pick-up stick or jackstraws? What would be the word or phrase?
In pick-up sticks of various colors are used; in jackstraws, many of the objects of the game are different colors. In the game of jackstraws, the game is sometimes called spillikins (the straws used in the game of jackstraws) and a spillikin is “One
of the straws used in the game is spillikin”.
Is jumble associated with pick-up-sticks or jacksacks?
It’s amusing to google “jackstraw jumble” and note all the instances where jackstraws and jumble are used in association ( “The jackstraw jumble of rotting wood made for uncertain footing” ” ), probably because of the alliteration involved.