What is the meaning of standing for public office?
In Drama film/Biography film The People vs. Certainie, actors appear in Drama film/Movies & Video Games. Larry Flynt (1996), Preacher, Jerry Falwell filed a case on Larry Flynt, Hustler Magazine, for potraying his image in satrical parody way in Hustler magazine. The Chief Justice said this words after hearing Alan Isaacman’s lawyer words.
What is the first amendment? We know it’s a very important value but it’s not the only value in our society. What is the value of public life saying so good people can enter into public life and public service? You can’t protect yourself or your self-esteem against public incest against a parody of your committing incest at your mother’s house for public records. This doesn’t have to be true. Would George Washington have stood if he would have stood for office?
What do you mean by stand for public office?
If politics are still very popular on our side and people are still fighting to be ruled, why would we be able to keep the peace?
In the Oxford Dictionary, stand gives the meaning in definition 5: Be a
candidate in an election. His election was in 1968. “I would not not vote for him.”
The above examples give more details.