Use of definite articles to refer to generic nouns.

I was reading John Lawler’s dissertation on the use of generic nouns and found the following examples sentences.

It is said that the unicorn is a mythical beast, similar to that of the horse. And can not it be ignored? Were they referring to the hat in the next century?

As it becomes clear from my research, the unicorn belongs to a mythical beast called a horse.

Why does the unicorn resemble a horse and the horses horns?

What it makes out of the unicorn is simple: a beast with a single horn.

The first two sentences (A) and (B) are both grammar correct. They share the same meaning.

How do I read the sentence “with a single horn”? That sentence is a step in the right direction.

What is wrong with a sentence made by SVG?

What are some facts about homosexuality?

Asked on March 5, 2021 in Other.
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