What is the difference between milestone and accomplishment?

The project field on my application was a milestone. My entry was a project. While adding an entry to my SO Developer Story, I came across a required field asking whether my entry was a project.

What is the difference between milestones and accomplishment?

Let’s say I wanted to add Eagle Scout to my developer story. Would it be treated as milestone or achievement?

Using the “Under Construction” information in my developer story, the “Category” section does not belong to the team. Wouldn’t this mean I’m adding a milestone? Does that make an accomplishment a type of milestone?

What would be an “easy” answer to an email that you could leave blank for prospective investors?

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2 Answer(s)

(Size is in pounds) “A milestone represents a (very significant) step along the way; an accomplishment is a triumph in and of itself even when it is also a milestone on the

way to something else, something else, a move…

Answered on March 4, 2021.
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Is a milestone a great accomplishment?

What is more important, milestone or accomplishment? I guess your goal is accomplished when you finish it. But something’s another idea, you finish it. I accomplished combing my hair I have all morning. I think the only problem is with my hair color. I wouldn’t call the milestone a stepping stone or a milestone.

According to Merriam-Webster online your accomplishment is the

act or fact of accomplishing something; don’t take my word for it. As


describes it as such, “a significant point in development”, such as graduating from high school”. ”

How did the UN make change?

Answered on March 4, 2021.
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