*Deja vu* again and again

Deja vu all over again” is an example either a semi-literate (when the speaker does not know what deja vu means) or a jocular use (when the speaker tries to be funny).

Can you provide similar examples of (possibly double) usage?

What is it like to work on writing a book?

Asked on March 3, 2021 in Other.
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1 Answer(s)

Can you clearly see what you mean by deja vu? I always misspelled “It was deja vu all over again”. I used to remember that word too.

How can I fall down well as a English speaker? Like you could fall up.

What is tautology in formal use? the terms and conditions, Null and void. If the whether… or… structure also follows the above, tautological suit, it’s enough to say whether? I seem to have heard somebody argue that it

also follows the whether and why structure.

Answered on March 3, 2021.
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