What is a word like “hobbyistically”?

I want to say “I do this as a hobby”, but in fewer words, like “I hobyistically do this”. What some dictionaries simply say “no word”? What is this word?

What is a normal day and a full day at work?

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What is a word? What does the conservative answer actually mean? Is it true that lexicographers are sometimes mistaken and include errors, otherwise all other lexicographers have copied those errors? What do you feel about obsolete words? What is hapax sex line? What are some examples of obsolete hapax legomena not used for centuries? Even if we ignore those exceptions, dictionaries don’t necessarily list all words derived by standard rules. Space in a dictionary gives all kinds of meaning to words.

Let’s start with hobby, surely a word (and dictionary heading) for a type of activity. What types of activities are devoted to this purpose? English uses the suffix aism to denote a movement and the suffix -ism to denote a practitioner. Almost all spoken English is in English. These are based on the phrasing of “Asympostics”). Our society is divided between socialist and social. Can we also consider hobby “a sound word”? The OED does, finding first written examples in 1846 and 1871. A report by Professor Paul Moore.

As socialism begets socialistic, can we consider hobbyistic a word? Are we all the same? The Ngram viewer finds the following from The Art Of putzing: Your Guide To A Guilt-Free Retirement Of Puttering by M Decker and J Hickey:

Along with the naturally hobbyistic, such persons need to be avoided.

As mystic is to mystical, is there a next step to hobbyistical? Christopher Kane makes a hobbyistical blog. What do you all

mean by that?

English creates adverbs from adjectives ending in -al, therefore is there any reason not to recognize the adverb hobbyistically? How is an adverbial construct, standardized-formed from an adjectival. And if it is unreliable, will a google search tell you whether anyone else disagrees?

What is the reason behind this essay being so popular?

Answered on March 3, 2021.
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Of course, it is your choice,

  • as in avocationally : vocation is a calling, commonly used to indicate a basic occupation one is particularly suited for. Negating, an avocation is something that is not one’s main calling, like a hobby or a past-time.

  • “Academically” : instead of saying “You do something for fun” you can use this word. Do recreation refers to an activity that one does to refresh oneself from one’s daily activities?

What are the pros and cons of being a proponent of climate change?

Answered on March 3, 2021.
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