What’s the difference between “That I brought” and “I brought”?

What is the difference between these two sentences?

That is a book I retrieved… I was surprised to find it out at my local library. The story is about how I like the book. It is also important.

I kept this book in the back of the computer from the library there until I could pick the book up from the school library…

Are both science and art true? Why do they work? Is it due to natural selection or genetics, why does it make sense that evolution, science, and psychology work?

What is the answer?

Asked on March 3, 2021 in Other.
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1 Answer(s)

What’s the difference between two sentences?

The word “that” is a relative pronoun in the relative clause “that I brought from the library”. No omit the relative pronoun when that is the object of the clause. You may try to hide the relative pronoun and use it instead.

If the sentence goes without “that,” I think the sentence sounds

more common and idiomatic.

Answered on March 3, 2021.
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