What is the word starting with p that is a type of chart for all values are calculated?

So, it is a word that is used with ‘analysis’ and it means to calculate using all possible values to prepare a chart (I only know this meaning, it is not the dictionary meaning). Let me give you a background of facts: E.g. What can I do if I have 2×3 windows? I have been asked to calculate the more or wrrd different properties for all varying possible sizes. e. Is 3×3 3×4, 3×5, 2×4, 2×5, 3×2 etc.? And then to prepare table. What is the type of analysis?

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1 Answer(s)

I think the word you are looking for


Permutations. It is a mathematical term used in Probability.

Here are the definitions: Permutation Wikipedia

Permutation dictionary. Not

to be confused with the expression

com for comparisons.

Answered on March 2, 2021.
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