Omission a part of sentence?
I wrote this sentence:
The resulting rulesets are organized in a hierarchy to make it possible to share the rules for extracting content from similar websites. What criteria would we use in this approach?
Can I download content from a similar website?
I mean extracting content from similar website – do I have to look for context to do such changes?
I can write a new script here if I use “reuse” instead of
“share.” The resulting rulesets are organized in a hierarchical fashion to make it possible to reuse the rules for similar websites.
What is your opinion or opinion?
” share ” is a preposition of ” among ” or ” between ” if only two entities share something) and ” with “. The word reuse is good for this.
Yes, if the context of the sentence already establishes that you are talking about extracting content from websites, no need to repeat it.