Why do words first usually come before another verb?

Why do
people use “do” in affirmative statements?

If we

know a guy, why are we talking to him?

How bad is it to know a man?

Why doesn’t B just say “Yes, we know a guy”?

Why does “do” have to be used in affirmative sentences?

What are some of the best examples of people asking questions about their relationships?

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2 Answer(s)

Do in affirmative sentence is used to put an emphasis on the positive fact.

Person A: Hmm I’ve heard that you don’t have the piano anymore.?
Person B: Oh, that’s not true! I have a piano. I don’t have any piano…. I do have a violin, however. I do have my ears.

What are some of the best, most recognizable examples of political science?

Answered on April 1, 2022.
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Do in affirmative sentence is used to put an emphasis on the positive fact.

Person A: Hmm I’ve heard that you don’t have the piano anymore.?
Person B: Oh, that’s not true! I have a piano. I don’t have any piano…. I do have a violin, however. I do have my ears.

What are some of the best, most recognizable examples of political science?

Answered on January 29, 2022.
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