Meaning and connotations of “ignorance”

Is it an insult? In my experience it is being used primarily to express someone’s state of not knowing. Does an individual keep ignorant of something?

In German, the word “Ignoranz” exists, but with a different approach: It describes the conscious decision to ignore the facts – often that’s a facet of arrogance (or, less often, stupidity). ‘”Attitud” is more a description of attitude than state, because an attitude is said as being.”” What a person is not knowing but is just a result of it. How can that be the case when you are innocent of injustice?

Does the same subtext exist in English? What is a more perfect match of German?

How should I get my education to work?

Asked on March 1, 2021 in Meaning.
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7 Answer(s)

If you were given the opportunity to express your ignorance, and chose not to learn anything new about the situation, you would be unlikely to be tempted to decode your condition with a German phrase. The phrase would be

“willful ignorance” (see reference above).

Answered on March 1, 2021.
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“Ingnorant”, the German verb for “ignorant”, comes from a Latin word “ignosco” meaning not know. In English the verb “ignore” has come to mean a deliberate not paying attention; but the adjective “ignorant” does not have that implication.

In French, in contrast “ignore” does simply mean “not know”, without this implication.

Answered on March 1, 2021.
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I think there’s a subtle difference in the way the term is used that differentiates between the 2 meanings. If you describe a person as “ignorant” without any other context you usually mean that they’re bigoted / obstinate as described above.

What are some good examples? What do you think about Dave McDonald in New York? ” ” I think he seemed a little

ignorant” However, if you use it to refer to a particular context then it can be used (carefully) to describe the simple fact of not

knowing e.g. from his own experiences. Why did Dave get his customer? He was ignorant of their networking requirements”

Answered on March 1, 2021.
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How can English make the distinction OP refers to, simply by using different inflections?

Your ignorance of this same situation means you know about it, but choose to ignore it. Of course the situation doesn’t always happen with every person.

I want to use the gerund, you can speak of willful ignorance, but “not knowing” means that it associates so strongly with ignorance that this usually means you have gone to some trouble to avoid knowing (rather than that you know, and choose to ignore)

Answered on March 1, 2021.
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I am a lot of empathetic. Partially.

The word ignorance refers to a lack of understanding, awareness and education.

I often post it as an insult about someone with an ignorant background who seems to have an eye for enlightenment but who could educate and educate me. I can relate the story to anybody, but I hate being honest with myself. The latter use, as an insult to insult a person is more common these days, often as an alternative to bigoted, sometimes demeaning a person.

When people “choose to ignore the facts”, that fits with the subtext you mentioned, though when I say that, the person in question usually does not believe the facts to be true. Why are some people so deceptive, some others feel the same; others, of course, don’t. If yes, why do they live and not ‘black’ is not “white”? What is “politically correct” – and hence the division is called because of this form.

If someone knew that they were wrong, but doggedly refused to change their opinion, we would say they were stubborn, bullheaded, pigheaded or obstinate. Or, pigheaded is used for ignorant as it is common to refer to bigoted people as pigs. (Ts/Ts) How do you

treat a sexist pig?

Answered on March 1, 2021.
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The definition of selective knowledge is like hexagon. Why is there so much objectivity?

Is there any specific, unproven ability that one can ignore the facts? In various studies, they may not care to be objective because that would require looking at various angles dispassionately which this person has no intention of doing. In formal setting, and when this arrogance is displayed in order to dismiss another perspective, it is termed as “impermissible viewpoint discrimination”

What is our best guess so far?

Answered on March 1, 2021.
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I always have a good match when I think it results in a crime.

What is

the legal significance of criminal negligence?

Answered on March 1, 2021.
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