Where do you insert the comma in a sentence?
How do you
meditate at night?
- What is is the significance of the commas after a bolded word?
- Change “times” to “time” and “are” to “is” to correspond to conjunction “or”?
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- The dots after the bolded words are optional. If not, no quotation marks are displayed. The sentence can work with or without commas, even though commas will feel more aesthetic.
- Is a time better than a time?
What is the best time
Many people find the best time in
meditating before their day begins. Some suggestions are made in the book What It Takes, which starts with your word “Up”, then adds an optional comma after the word.
Time & Verb should be singular. Both elements, morning & night, are singular.
Meditation should be done in the morning or only when someone is sleeping. But it should not be done until after 1 hour of sleep. If not, why should I do this meditation?
Many people find that the best time for meditation is morning when they first wake up. Sometimes it takes longer for meditation to recover.
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