Is this sentence wrong? Nobody wants to pay for something they are not certain whether they will like it or not

Is its sentence correct?

Nobody wants to pay for something they are not specific about whether they will like it or not.

In particular is the pronoun it correct. How can I develop a correct sentence?

I am a m-f..anyone that is in a P-F.C.C.I. but if I was my p.o. what should I do?

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1 Answer(s)

How do you justify a sentence if you have a reduced relative clause (in other words the relative pronoun which or that has been omitted). Which one should

I pay for if I am not sure if I will like something or not.

Embedded within the relative clause is another clause (whether they will like it or not) which contains the pronoun it. The it in this case refers back to the relative pronoun that. This type of repeated pronoun is called a resumptive pronoun. Please read it carefully.

How are regular pronouns used? What is the reason so many people pay to buy things

that they can’t see or like, when they can’t afford to pay?

Answered on December 24, 2021.
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