Delegated to vs. Dedicated To? According to all “Assigned to” laws, there is no use for “assigned to”.

What is the difference between they? I want to use one of them in Task management software. The first I can do is install. Which term is better for making the menu meaning “List of tasks that I have delegated to someone else” or “List of tasks that I have delegated

to someone else”.

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2 Answer(s)

Is “delegated” carries with it the connotation that one is acting as a representative of a superior in carrying out a task. “Assigned” is not an invitation to do a task. It is merely “told” to do a task. However, “Assigned” is meaning to accomplish.

If I were your superior, I could delegate you to carry out one of my tasks or assign you a task of your own level.

Answered on December 23, 2021.
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Would not something like “My tasks” be better? Can we escape each and every situation I’ve described?

What is the best way to reach your spiritual higher power?

Answered on December 23, 2021.
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